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10 Tips for Your Start

You want to start your first initiative to boost diversity in your company? Great! Before you get started, read our 10 Diversity Tips. They will make it easier for you to get started and help you avoid typical pitfalls. Afterwards you can implement your first diversity initiative in just 6 steps.

Diversity has far more layers than "just" gender & origin. Consider all layers when starting your initiative.


Diversity only works while including all stakeholders. Include everyone, not just minorities.


Asked proactively for feedback: Just because nobody actively complains does not mean that no one is disadvantaged.



Get support from top management, otherwise there is little chance of sustainable success.

More diversity means the change of behaviour & thinking patterns. Get support from outside for this.


Diversity is not a project with a perfect solution that ends at some point. It is a (learning) process that must be constantly improved.



We are all subject to biases, even if we think we don't. We must be aware of them.

Be cautious with training and regulations. The biggest lever for more diversity lies in the cooperation & mix of teams.


Sometimes you just have to be bold and go for it. Start your pilot project to show success & appease critics.



Diversity is a mindset & must be lived. The mere presence of different colleagues does not lead to lived diversity. Demand it actively and be a diversity-role model yourself.

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Boost Diversity - in Just 6 Steps

You would like to boost diversity in your company, start a diversity initiative or a diversity project? It doesn't always have to be the big success. Start small, with yourself, your colleagues or your team.

We have put together some new as well as established tools, sources and instruments for you, which make the first 6 steps into diversity easier. Start today and boost diversity in your company.

6 Schritte
1. Orientierung


Orientation - Where are you at?

In the first step you should take your time to orientate yourself. Before you approach others, answer the following questions for yourself: What is diversity? Why should talk about it? What does diversity mean for our company? Which levels are important for us?

Tools that support you in this step:

What exactly is diversity and what layers are there?


What is the benefit from diversity for our company?

Diversity Studies.JPG
Diversity Canvas - DiversifyNow

What does diversity mean in our company?

Impact- What do you want to change?

The second step is to get an overview of the current level of diversity in your company. How diverse is your company already? Where is an immediate need for action? Is there already awareness for diversity? What do you want to change?

Tools that support you in this step:

Where is your company on the diversity journey?

Diversity Journey - DiversifyNow

What action fields should be considered?

Diversity Action Fields.png

Where to start your initiative?

2 Absicht



Support - Who can help you internally?

In the third step, you look for supporters and trusted associates. You should carefully find out which colleagues and managers also see a need for action. How do you approach them? Where are they in the process? Which arguments are convincing to them?

Tools that support you in this step:

Who to involve in your first initiative?

Diversity Personas - DiversifyNow

How open are colleagues to change?

Diversity Process - DiversifyNow

Which content helps to support your argumentation?

Diversity Journey - DiversifyNow
3. Unterstütung


Action - What initiative are you launching?

In the fourth step you define your concrete goals, actions and measures to boost diversity and implement them. Include the results from steps 1-3 and consider: Which measures could help to address the fields of action in your company?

Tools that support you in this step:

What have others already successfully implemented?

Diversity Best Practices.JPG

What kind of workshop make sense?


What kind of practices could be done?

4. Aktion
5. Ergebnis

Results - What is your learning?

In the fifth step you analyze the results of your initiative. What is your learning? What worked well and what can you do better next time? Create an atmosphere of trust in which the participants can talk about their experiences and what they have learned. Perform a readiness check again and compare the results with those of step 2.

Tools that support you in this step:


How to create an atmosphere for honest feedback?


How to measure being more divers?

Measure Diversity.JPG
Readiness Checks.JPG

Have we made progress compared to step 2?

6. Teilen


Sharing - Who do you tell about it?

In the sixth and final step, you tell others about your initiative. Who can and who should you tell about it? How do you prepare the results and through which channels do you disseminate them? Who could you involve next for further initiatives?

Tools that support you in this step:

Who to involve in next initiative?

Diversity Personas - DiversifyNow

Where and how to spread the word?

Presentation Template - Diversity.JPG

What does diversity mean in our company?

After the Start is Before the Start

When you have gone through all six steps, you made it. You should be proud of yourself! You have laid the foundation for more diversity in your company.

But as you learned in our sixth Diversity Tip: The journey to a more diverse company is a continuous process without end. After the first initiative is before the second. Keep the ball rolling and become a diversity ambassador in your company.

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